Ingerop Logo Ingerop Logo


Designing and developing a full range of eco-responsible transportation modes, whilst integrating multimodality and user experience.

Transportation engineering since 1984

km of tramway in France
km of high-speed rail lines
km of automated metro lines
urban cable projects

In the transportation field, Ingerop has developed the ability to meet the expectations of its clients, in both the public and private sectors. Whether by fostering cross-disciplinary and functional approaches during the ongoing phases of projects, or by mobilising proven technical abilities to provide the best solutions during the construction phase.

Our scope of work covers all green transport modes, taking into account the challenges of multimodality and finding the best possible user experience for travellers.

On tramways, our expertise in systems and operation engineering has become a key asset in France, both for the design of new lines and for the supervision of maintenance work on existing lines.

While tramways historically accounted for the most of our work, today we are active in all public transport modes: from automated metros to high-speed rail lines, buses (electric/green hydrogen), light and heavy rail and cableways. The metro and rail sectors account for over 50% of our current design workload.


At every step of a project

  • Project management
  • Preliminary/General design
  • Regulatory studies
  • Assistance to project sponsor, consultancy and expert assessments
  • Design and build engineering
  • Project design and construction management
  • RAM and Safety studies
  • Expert analysis, operation and maintenance
  • Public-private partnerships (PPP)/concessions
  • Communication assistance

Technical skills

  • Traffic and demand modeling
  • Signaling and telecom
  • Tracks, permanent way, and civil engineering
  • Environmental, climate change,  and socio-economic studies
  • Tunnels
  • Architecture, stations, and depots
  • Roadway structures
  • Communication and support to the owner
  • Operation and maintenance
  • Power supply systems
Bus à hydrogène
Hydrogen-powered mobility and MaaS system development
Due to our long-term engagement in green hydrogen industrial engineering, Ingerop is at the forefront of hydrogen-powered transport development in France. As a result, we are working with more and more cities to introduce new energy sources to power their buses. The shift to MaaS (Mobility as a Service) is a major challenge if we are to succeed in making connections between heavy-duty transport and active modes (bicycles, walking, etc.) more fluid.
“The teams in our two departments support their clients to design and implement tailor-made urban transport projects that will meet the challenges of tomorrow’s world. Quality of service, efficiency of the offer, robustness and maintenance of systems, low-carbon motors, integration of vegetation, or multiple uses are among the many challenges we face today. The men and women in our teams are committed to a sustainable design approach. We are proud to support our clients in developing innovative solutions in the projects we carry out for them.”
Caroline Laval et Paul Bourbon
Caroline Laval and Paul Bourbon Heads of Unit, Urban Transport Department
Maquette gare ligne 15 Sud GPE
Maquette d’une gare de la ligne 15 Sud du Grand Paris Express ©Ingérop
BIM and CIM in transportation

Engineering has undergone a digital revolution over the last 30 years, with the integration of computers into everyday design.

Ingerop was a pioneer in the development of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in France, starting with buildings and then applying it to transports and cities. When applied to cities, BIM becomes CIM or City Information Modelling.

We have expertise in all BIM tools and we create new ones for clients, operators and maintenance entities.

“Combining BIM and GIS (Geographic Information System) methodologies provides benefits such as the sustainable development of smart cities and buildings, improved collaborative working capacities between various professionals, and enhanced decision-making on all phases of a project. For all of these reasons, the development of BIM and GIS is an increasingly firm commitment for the Ingerop Group.”
Jose Arcos
José Arcos Head of Architecture Department at Ingerop T3, Spanish subsidiary of Ingerop Group
Automated metro systems

Faced with the exponential growth of the world’s urban population, Ingerop has developed specific skills for mass rapid transit in cities, from large-scale automated metros to simple, cost-efficient subway lines.

Over the years, Ingerop has designed several metro lines for regional metropolitan areas such as Rennes (population 200 000), but also for major capital cities like Lima (population 4 million), Cairo (population 20 million) or Paris (population 10 million).

Ingerop has played a key role in the deployment of the most efficient transport modes for major cities over the past 20 years, designing systems on five continents.

“For over ten years, Ingerop has developed its expertise in rail systems, and has worked on complex urban transit projects. In 2021, the Group joined the Mexico City Metro Network project to automate Line 1. Montreal’s Metropolitan Rapid Transit system (REM) is another major project that we continue to leverage. In these types of projects, each discipline contributes towards the final outcome, therefore a systemic approach is essential. This is the real value that we can sell to our clients and this is the approach that we will continue to grow.”
Raul Gonzalez Head of Project – Signaling & CBTC (Communication Based Train Control) Expert at Ingerop Canada
LGV Bretagne Pays de la Loire ©SNCF – BPL
A comprehensive rail offering for all types of mobility
Ingerop’s rail service sector draws on comprehensive expertise to actively find the root mobility challenge at hand and develops a service catered to solving the challenge and is adapted to local needs.

We strive every day to support our public and private sector clients, by using multidisciplinary approaches in the pre-project phases and leveraging our cutting-edge technical skills to deliver quality designs and efficient implementation.

The ongoing expansion of Ingerop’s rail activities, helps to add value to our extensive regional network, which enables us to offer uncompromising technical expertise during the entire management of the project.

“Backed by a solid expansion of our expertise in rail equipment and transit systems in recent years, we are proud to position ourselves as a historic, independent and essential partner to all players in the rail industry: LGV Bretagne Pays de la Loire, Annemasse-Geneva link, Montpellier-Perpignan new lines, Roissy Picardie, Provence-Côte d’Azur, Clermont Ferrand TER H2 Technicentre, Ligne des Horlogers, Bordeaux Saint-Jean accessibility upgrade and others. “Pursuing innovation whilst respecting our environment reflects our team’s commitment to work towards the sustainable development of tomorrow’s rail infrastructure that is low-carbon and resilient.”
Florian Aubertin Deputy Manager, Infrastructure, City & Mobility

Certifications, approvals, accreditations, awards

SNCF – 08221
Représentant Sécurité Opérationnelle
SNCF – 08222
Habilité Travaux sur Infrastructures Abords
SNCF – 08223
Habilité Travaux sur Infrastructures Voie
2016 – Global Light Rail Awards
Meilleure initiative environnementale pour le tramway de Saragosse
Meilleur ouvrage public d’ingénierie en Andalousie pour le métro de Malaga
Grand Prix de la Région Capitale
2021 – Grand Prix de la région capitale
Prix “Aménagement urbain” pour le T9


Ingénierie ferroviaire

“Our business must be exemplary in taking into account the challenges of multimodality and provide the best possible user experience for travellers.”
PhilippeAndré Hanna
Philippe-André Hanna
Manager, Transportation