Ingerop Logo Ingerop Logo


A leading engineering consultancy in energy transition and decarbonisation

Active for over 20 years in the energy production and distribution sectors, we continue to expand in France and internationally, in renewable energies, nuclear power, hydrogen and decarbonisation solutions.

million euros in annual revenue
of international business
in low-carbon or renewable energies
400 +

Ingerop, a major player in energy project engineering

In line with the Group’s top strategic focus on ecology, Ingerop contributes to the fight against global warming with three major objectives:

  • Generate electricity from low-carbon sources and meet the growing demand for renewable energies and nuclear power.
  • Provide technical solutions for the decarbonisation of the industrial, commercial and transportation sectors.
  • Optimise energy use and management (smart grids, heating/cooling networks, energy storage solutions and waste energy recovery).


  • Assistance to project sponsor
  • Upstream and feasibility study
  • Project management
  • Integrated engineering
  • Detailed design
  • Execution plan
  • Interface coordination/BIM
  • Works supervision
  • Scheduling and coordination
  • Operation and maintenance assistance
  • Turnkey or general contractor
Hydrogen and decarbonisation

Ingerop places the ecological concern at the heart of its actions. Our goal is to replace carbon-based energies, reduce CO2 emissions and promote energy independence.

Ingerop sees hydrogen as a way to decarbonise many sectors of the economy, specifically the industry and transport sectors. Hydrogen helps to  improve the efficiency of renewable energies by developing energy storage solutions.

For nearly a decade, we have offered innovative solutions thanks to our multidisciplinary approach and our hydrogen infrastructure-sizing software (Pos’Hy).

We cover the entire decarbonisation value chain, with services of consultancy, project management and turnkey contracting.

” It is essential to reduce the use of fossil fuels to achieve carbon neutrality. In this sense, hydrogen is an essential energy vector. As a young graduate, I was able to develop this fascinating topic within Ingerop. This is a growing market where we are constantly on the lookout for innovative solutions, which is very stimulating in my day-to-day work. For me, hydrogen is an essential future energy source for society if we are to succeed in guaranteeing a sustainable future for new generations.”
Lola Barande Design Analyst – Hydrogen Processes & Decarbonisation
Panneau photovoltaïque
Les Terrasses du Port
Solar PV
Ingerop supports the development of renewable energy production infrastructure, particularly those using solar energy.

We support our client’s solar power development projects and are backed by our strong technical engineering skills. We have conducted many studies on production potential, provided technical design of solar PV systems, arranged contractual arrangements and financing packages – these are just a few examples of how we apply our expertise on behalf of our clients.

This enables us to develop projects that deploy solar power generation equipment, as well as provide the design and construction of solar equipment manufacturing plants.

“I’ve been helping Ingerop develop its solar PV business for several years now. This experience expanded my knowledge in this field and enabled me to take on new technical challenges. Ingerop strongly supports solar power development and continues to build a sustainable world where renewable energy continues to grow.”
Aurélien Nibau Head of Manufacturing & Safety Department
Ingerop supports major waste recovery companies in their projects. In this sector, our supportive approach enables us to contribute to their design and construction supervision projects for new facilities and rehabilitate existing facilities.

Our strategic development prioritises a responsibility towards environmental issues in waste-to-energy and recognises the significant positive contribution it can make. Waste recovery and reuse is a key area of development for our Group, and it is used for energy recovery to produce heat, electricity or material recovery in the form of methane.

Ingerop knows how to respond best to client demands and is a driving force behind the development of related services in this fast-growing sector.

“Ingerop’s broad range of in-house skills enables us to participate in major waste recovery projects. Thanks to the Group’s expertise in functional organisation, building, civil engineering and port handling, we help transport a large proportion of the waste by riverboats from the Paris metropolitan area to waste-to-energy plants. When designing this waste reception site, our expertise in environmental and reuse issues helped us implement an operational circular economy approach by reclaiming materials directly recovered in situ.”
Emmanuelle Ouadhi Project Manager, Building BU
Nuclear power

With over 50 years of experience, Ingerop has consistently supported major industrial clients in the  development of their projects, particularly in the nuclear power industry.

In this field, the Group has been growing its market share for over 15 years, by handling the design of projects of exceptional size and complexity. Our recognised values of expertise, innovation and freedom have given us a growing responsibility to always aim further, higher and stronger.

In the nuclear power sector, Ingerop has conducted over 100 projects in five countries, managed CAPEX of over 20 million euros, generated sales of 20 million euros annually and last but not least maintained a staff of 300 men and women who are skilled professionals and experts who share an interest in wonderful human adventure.

“For twelve years now, I’ve been working on the development of nuclear power in the Energy division at Ingerop. It is an enriching experience, made up of encounters, challenges and daily self-questioning that pushes us to surpass ourselves. Energy demands are growing, and tomorrow’s world is uncertain, but one thing is certain: the Group will be there to meet all these challenges. “
Vincent Nénert
Vincent Nenert Manager, Energy and Factory 4.0 Development
ISO 19443
Certificat n°2023/103205.1
Qualification OPQIBI
Certificat de qualification n°85 04 0697
Certification MASE
Certificat n°RA 2001-200
Certification CEFRI
Qualification EDF-UTO


Hydrogen, a vector for the energy transition
Nuclear engineering

Examples of projects

“The energy industry responds to fundamental challenges of our shared future. In terms of ecology, our number one priority must be energy sobriety coupled with decarbonisation of all our business sectors. The replacement of fossil fuels will nevertheless lead to an increase in electricity consumption. Ingerop is expanding in renewable energies and energy management, consolidating its position in the nuclear industry, whether for power generation facilities, research or waste management.”
François Lauprêtre