With 2,700 employees working on five continents, Ingerop combines the advantages of human-scale companies (closeness, individualization, listening, conviviality) with those of major groups (excellence of national and international projects, learning curricula, career opportunities).
In an industry where innovation capacity, mobility and dedication to our clients’ projects are key factors of competitiveness and success, the spirit of entrepreneurship spirit is both a collective requirement and a benchmark for each employee in their daily tasks, both in France and abroad.
We have a responsibility to ensure that Ingerop becomes a workplace where our staff members find fulfilment in their jobs, feel inspired by their work environment, supported and trained to achieve their full potential.
Employee shareholding, recognition of innovation and individual merit, support for disabled employees, or professional equality are but a few examples of the actions coordinated by our Human Resources staff to attract, onboard and retain new talents.
Transmitting our passion for our trade, sharing our commitment to excellence, publicizing our career opportunities, and offering formative projects are the cornerstones of our Employer-Schools Relations policy.